About the website
Why I've made this website
For quite a while I wanted to make a personal website, inspired by websites of this kind. I enjoy discovering a personal world of somebody by diving into his or her website, feeling a very special connection. As I am an individualist by personality, this is understandable. At the same time I always wanted to share my thoughts and arts with the world, inspire and help others, get some feedback from people (from those I know to those who live on the other side of the Earth and whom I don't know at all).
Who may be interested in this website
First of all I made this website for my friends, fans and people with similar interests — for those who want to know me better and be up to date with my activities. And for random visitors who are interested in arts, science, programming, any other stuff, and like to be inspired.
How this website is updated
Usually I update this website a couple of times per week, but without a guarantee. This is not a blog, rather something like an encyclopedia, so I may update any page at any time (for example, to fix a typo or update information).
Site map
A list of all pages of the website can be seen on Site map.
Site news
Most important site news are duplicated here:
- 2015-11 — The
first website version had appeared (with a mood indicator).
- 2016-02-06 — The second version, which uses new engine, had appeared.
- 2016-03-29 — Site content was significantly updated, English version had appeared.
If you find an error or typo
Then write to this e-mail address. I'll try to fix the issue.
Inspiration and acknowledgements
It's a long time since I feel like making my personal website. Inspired by websites of people I don't know and projects lead by usually one person, mostly related to music, mathematics, programming and arts, I finally found my way into making my own website. I cannot remember and list all of these websites, unfortunately. Besides that, I should thank a lot those friends of me who already had made their websites — this inspired me to start doing things and not postpone this for another ten years.
Technical information
To make this website I have used the following main tools:
- Zim Wiki — personal wiki-engine.
- Edited template to export wiki as website: https://github.com/ecodiv/Ecodiv-responsive.
- Express — JavaScript website engine.
- Solarized —
colour scheme.
As well as the following tools among others: